Reclamatii Garantie

Generalitati vis-a-vis de automobilele Mitsubishi
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Membru din: Mar Mai 29, 2012 8:28 am

Mesaj de Gabi44 » Vin Iun 08, 2012 6:51 am

In atentia doritorilor de masini noi!
Am primit raspuns la reclamatia de garantie facuta de la Mitsubishi Europa:

"We have received your e-mail addressed to our President regarding the concern on your vehicle optical condition. We regret that you face this
situation and with this letter we hope to re-establish your faith in our product.
Before sending this letter, we have been in contact with our official Mitsubishi Distributor in Romania, M CAR TRADING s.l.r, and could confirm
that customer handling in your case was performed according to our Mitsubishi standards. In this case we appreciate the labor cost good-will
that is offered to you by M CAR TRADING as generous, since the vehicle condition is according to manufacturer?s specification.
Please note, that we can understand your feeling when noticing the top layer corrosion on the parts such as; knuckle assemblies, drive shafts,
brake discs, wheel hub assemblies and spacers underneath your vehicle.
Environmental awareness plays a big role in the today?s automotive industry, and the lighter a vehicle, the less fuel consumption. Additionally,
less paint used means less pollution as well. These two factors made the manufacturers decide few years ago to delete paint on components
underneath the vehicle and in engine room.
It goes without saying, that there have been many years of testing upfront, before these parts were fitted unpainted into the production. We can
assure you that the corrosion of these components do have no influence on the safety, durability or handling of your vehicle.
We therefore advise not to paint these parts, nor to use anti rust on these parts because it is not needed. On your questions if the parts fitted are
genuine, we therefore can answer, yes all components shown on the picture are genuine Mitsubishi parts.
We hope this explanation make the issue more clear to you, and we wish you further enjoyment with the vehicle.
Yours sincerely,
Rolf Thuis
General Manager
After Sales Management - Technical Service
Mitsubishi Motors Europe B.V

Asa ca puteti sa vedeti si voi ce SH la pret de nou se vinde acum la care toate aceste piese netratate vor fi pline de rugina in cateva luni (vezi foto), nu mai spun de vopseaua de rahat care sare la cea mai mica atingere.
In concluzie sa sfatuiesc sa va ganditi foarte bine daca doriti masinile astea noi.

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Membru din: Sâm Sep 20, 2008 8:35 pm

Mesaj de driverx » Vin Iun 08, 2012 8:02 am

QUOTE (Gabi44 @ Jun 8 2012, 06:51 AM) ....
In concluzie sa sfatuiesc sa va ganditi foarte bine daca doriti masinile astea noi.

Si atunci ce ai vrea sa facem? Sa cumparam SH-uri dinastea proaspat iesite din rodaj? Mai ales dinalea germane?

Nu te supara, dar cred ca nu ai probleme reale in viata. Daca masina merge bine, si cand zic asta ma refer IN PARAMETRI dati de producator, cred ca rugina de la butuc sau planetara este ultima ta problema. trebui sa fie.

Vopseaua da....e de rahat. Dar aici trebuie sa tin iar cu Mitsubishi. Normele de poluare au dus la folosirea acestor vopseluri.

Nimic nu se mai face ca pe vremuri. E adevarat. Dar intrebarea mare este.....chiar ne trebuie sa se faca ca pe vremuri? Chiar ar fi corect sa se mai faca ca pe vremuri?

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Membru din: Dum Mai 18, 2008 12:25 am

Mesaj de alexutzu » Vin Iun 08, 2012 9:08 am

Insisti sa te faci de ras...insisti sa fii penibil ....insisti sa ne dovedesti ca ai o frustrare majora si nu ai unde refula.
Imi pare rau, dar astfel de specimene ca tine, polueaza toate forum-urile de masini...suntem cu totii satui de voi....voi cei cu probleme imaginare, cei care nu stiti sa apreciati nimic intr-o masina, cei fara pasiune si care intotdeauna vor gasi ceva nou care sa ii nemultumeasca...cei care jigniti masinili pe un forum AL PASIONATILOR ACESTEI MARCI....ceeea ce faci tu acum este ca si cum ai intra in galeria unei echipe de fotbal si ai incepe sa injuri acea echipa !

Culmea este ca noi ti-am permis, au incercat colegii mei sa iti ai inceput sa facem glume ai inteles...

Ceea ce iti voi spune acum este REALITATEA...DE MULTE ORI DUREROASA DAR SI FOARTE ADEVARATA IN CAZUL TAU...este prima oara in 4 ani de activitate pe acest forum cand indraznesc sa zic asa ceva .....

Imi asum orice warn/ban, dar nu pot sa mai accept ca cineva sa intre pe un forum al pasionatilor acestei marci si sa dea cu pietre .......

Fara regret si cu o mare mandrie...un alt posesor de SH NOU .....mandru de rugina de la butucul rotii !!!!

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Membru din: Dum Mai 18, 2008 12:25 am

Mesaj de alexutzu » Vin Iun 08, 2012 9:14 am

Daca penultima fraza nu are nici un sens....avea inainte sa o editeze unul dintre admini...

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Membru din: Mar Mar 10, 2009 10:21 am

Mesaj de Flipper » Vin Iun 08, 2012 9:18 am

Are dreptate driverx, atat timp cat nu apare rugina la caroserie nu e nici o problema, e ceva normal sa rugineasca acele piese de sub masina care sunt facute din traba mult mai groasa decat caroseria si nu se vor strapunge prin coroziune chiar daca nu sunt vopsite.

Cat priveste vopseaua de pe caroserie intradevar e foarte sensibila dar asa e la toate masinile actuale am vazut si masini nemtesti cu maxim 3-4 ani vechime cu capota ciuruita de la pietre ba chiar incepuse sa si rugineasca unde sarise vopseaua si la urma urmei e un fenomen fizic normal sa se ciobeasca vopseaua la impact cu un corp contondent si dur. Daca vreiti sa protejati vopseaua ateti grija pe unde parcati si mergeti usor cand e criblura sau material altiderapant imprastiat pe drum. Astfel va protejati si masina voastra si masinile celorlalti participanti la trafic.

Un corector cu vopsea laculoare acopera cu succes ciobiturile ccauzate de pietre.

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Membru din: Lun Iul 11, 2011 3:45 pm

Mesaj de sabin.b » Vin Iun 08, 2012 9:29 pm

Azi m-am uitat de curiozitate la mai multe masini in parcarea blocului unde locuiesc. Bineinteles, toate aveau mai multa sau mai putina rugina. Ba chiar si cateva nemtesti cu pretentii aveau rugina, inclusiv pe discurile de frana, deoarece sunt cateva pe care nu le prea misca nimeni din parcare. Printre ele un Audi A8 si un Volkswagen Beetel nou-nout (inca e cu numere rosii, dar nu l-a miscat din parcare deloc...e castigat la o tombola si vrea sa-l vanda).
Asadar, chiar si nemtestile ruginesc. Nu vad de ce sa isi faca cineva probleme pentru acest lucru. S-a vazut clar si din raspunsul primit de la Mitsubishi Europa ca acest fapt nu pune cu nimic in primejdie siguranta in masina. Acele piese care ruginesc sunt gandite pentru asa ceva, deci nu vor ceda din cauza ruginii.

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Membru din: Mie Sep 28, 2011 10:17 am

Mesaj de volint » Sâm Iun 09, 2012 8:01 pm

QUOTE (Gabi44 @ Jun 8 2012, 06:51 AM) In atentia doritorilor de masini noi!
Am primit raspuns la reclamatia de garantie facuta de la Mitsubishi Europa:

"We have received your e-mail addressed to our President regarding the concern on your vehicle optical condition. We regret that you face this
situation and with this letter we hope to re-establish your faith in our product.
Before sending this letter, we have been in contact with our official Mitsubishi Distributor in Romania, M CAR TRADING s.l.r, and could confirm
that customer handling in your case was performed according to our Mitsubishi standards. In this case we appreciate the labor cost good-will
that is offered to you by M CAR TRADING as generous, since the vehicle condition is according to manufacturer?s specification.
Please note, that we can understand your feeling when noticing the top layer corrosion on the parts such as; knuckle assemblies, drive shafts,
brake discs, wheel hub assemblies and spacers underneath your vehicle.
Environmental awareness plays a big role in the today?s automotive industry, and the lighter a vehicle, the less fuel consumption. Additionally,
less paint used means less pollution as well. These two factors made the manufacturers decide few years ago to delete paint on components
underneath the vehicle and in engine room.
It goes without saying, that there have been many years of testing upfront, before these parts were fitted unpainted into the production. We can
assure you that the corrosion of these components do have no influence on the safety, durability or handling of your vehicle.
We therefore advise not to paint these parts, nor to use anti rust on these parts because it is not needed. On your questions if the parts fitted are
genuine, we therefore can answer, yes all components shown on the picture are genuine Mitsubishi parts.
We hope this explanation make the issue more clear to you, and we wish you further enjoyment with the vehicle.
Yours sincerely,
Rolf Thuis
General Manager
After Sales Management - Technical Service
Mitsubishi Motors Europe B.V

Asa ca puteti sa vedeti si voi ce SH la pret de nou se vinde acum la care toate aceste piese netratate vor fi pline de rugina in cateva luni (vezi foto), nu mai spun de vopseaua de rahat care sare la cea mai mica atingere.
In concluzie sa sfatuiesc sa va ganditi foarte bine daca doriti masinile astea noi.

Hai sa recunoastem ca e o explicatie de kko. Ce greutate suplimentara ar adauga masinii o fasaiala subtire cu un grund ieftin? Vreo 2-300 kg? sau maxim 500 GRAME?

Si primim sfaturi sa nu vopsim piesele respective... de ce? Poate ca problemele cu ambreiajul sunt aparute la aia ce si-au vopsit basculele.

S-a no dam de gard.

Calitatea a scazut cel putin vizibil la toate produsele din toate domeniile. Dar asta nu e o scuza sa montezi pe masini noi discuri de frana "tinere". Astea-s facute din fonta, prin turnare si in urma procesului materialul ramane cu tensiuni interne ce nu pot fi eliminate decat prin tratare sau imbatranire. Astea 2 metode implica bani si timp. Prin tratare (oricare metoda) apare si o "normalizare" a suprafetelor si rugina aparuta este mai "subtire" deci mai putin vizibila.

Deci: in timp rugina aia de ne macina nervii nu v-a dispare insa va apare din ce in ce mai putina (cantitativ) pe suprafetele pieselor din fonta. Pt piesele din otel/fier recomand cu caldura neutralizarea cu zinc pe suprafetele cu nu sunt in contact cu altele. Acolo se foloseste cu succes orice unsoare; chiar si aia de maimutza.


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Membru din: Sâm Apr 21, 2007 3:24 am

Mesaj de andrei » Mie Iun 13, 2012 12:13 am

QUOTE (volint @ Jun 9 2012, 08:01 PM) Deci: in timp rugina aia de ne macina nervii nu v-a dispare insa va apare din ce in ce mai putina (cantitativ) pe suprafetele pieselor din fonta.
Sau deschidem colivia, lasam porumbeii sa zboare si ne bucuram de celelalte lucruri minunate pe care aceste masini ni le ofera.

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Membru din: Lun Apr 07, 2008 10:39 pm

Mesaj de Eddy » Mie Iun 20, 2012 5:01 pm

Apropo de porumbei. Am compus un mesaj pe care sa il copiati si sa il trimiteti Reply daca mai primiti raspunsuri de genul asta la plingeri privind calitatea:

I am expecting that the reply to all the problems found on your cars by your customers, will sound like this, 10 years from now:
" Our dear, beloved and adorable customer.
According to ours EcoCar Manufacturing Company Environmental Management Policy and according to the highest International Environmental Protection Standards, rigorously enforced by our EcoAccountants, EcoManagers and EcoStockholders, despite the logical arguments provided by some NON-EcoEngineers (previously employed by our EcoCar Manufacturing Company) our we are very, very, very happy to inform you that:
-the development of rust is normal and in fact encouraged by our Environmental Management Policy
-the described amount of power (between 0,2 5 and 0,3 hp) delivered by your Eco product (previously known as car or automobile) is normal and environmentally efficient. (If somebody needs a horse power or more, buying a horse or a horse herd is recommended)
-the fact that the heart of the Eco Product (previously known as the engine) have stop functioning after 2 weeks is covered by our Terms of Eco Product Use (page 3546, paragraph 48, subparagraph 32) and all our customers are forced to sign. The important part of our Eco Product is the soul, not the heart. And the soul of the Eco Product wants only the best for your heart, so he will always try to force you in using your legs and Eco public transportation.
-our Eco products (previously known as cars or automobiles) are manufactured so they will automatically dissolve during the first hour of rain following the expiring of the warranty period, without polluting the sewage system,
-if not exposed to rain for one month after the expiring of the warranty period, out Eco product will transform itself into fertilizer (manure)
-for each Eco product successfully expired, the previous owner will receive a discount voucher to be used when buying a minimum amount of 2952 kilos of corn seed for bio-fuel self production (WARNING - bio-fuel self production is subject to strong state taxation in all the countries that signed the International Environmental Protection Standards!)
We apologies for the late replay, but, because to ours EcoCar Manufacturing Company Environmental Management Policy and according to the highest International Environmental Protection Standards we are forced to use homing pigeons as long distance mailing system in order to reduce the NON-Eco energy consumption. There are also minor delays (4 to 11 weeks) because the Taliban banned the overflight of homing pigeons in Afghanistan.
Love and peace,
Yours Ecoproduct manufacturer.
PS. Please feed our pigeon before replying!
PS. PS. With eco-friendly bird food!
This ecoMail was written by hand on ecoPaper, with ecoInk, and can safely be used as toilet paper. "
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Membru din: Sâm Apr 21, 2007 3:24 am

Mesaj de andrei » Mie Iun 20, 2012 5:36 pm

Multumim pentru momentul umoristic, doar ca nu ti-ai eliberat porumbeii unde trebuia.

Cand am pornit forumul aveam un disclamer in care se preciza destul de clar faptul ca nu este asociat sub nici o forma cu Mitsubishi Motors sau cu o alta entitate din subordinea acesteia. Lucru care inca este valabil. Deci cred ca trebuie sa pun disclamerul la loc.

Pana atunci, poti da un forward postului tau de mai sus spre

QUOTE (bbogdan85 @ May 29 2012, 09:49 AM)

Se raspunde....


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