Receptie radio slaba

Utilizare, opinii, probleme si reparatii pentru Mitsubishi Lancer
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Membru din: Lun Oct 29, 2007 5:28 pm

Mesaj de goangaus » Joi Ian 10, 2008 1:57 pm

Multumesc pentru sfaturi. O sa ma duc la service sa vad ce zic.
LE: Acum imi dau seama ca nici macar carte de service nu am primit.
Am un gust amar in ceea ce priveste MCar-ul...

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Membru din: Lun Oct 29, 2007 5:28 pm

Mesaj de goangaus » Vin Ian 11, 2008 10:10 am

Am gasit pe un forum mitsubishi de afara urmatoarele:

Known 2008 problems

There are only about 2 or 3 big problems (not major, just annoying) that a lot of 2008 Lancers have.

#1: Cranking issues - A lot of owners have had problems starting the lancer. Longer-than-normal cranking has been reported by a lot of owner's, and I have had it happen to me once or twice. I haven't heard any reports of someone actually not being able to start the lancer, just long cranking times.

#2: Pulling to the left - I think this is more of a GTS issue than a DE or ES issue. I haven't heard many people complain with the DE/ES, but a lot of people with the GTS have a problem with the vehicle having an aggressive pull to the left. This could possibly be either tire or alignment related.

#3: Radio Reception - The 2008 Lancer seems to have really crappy reception (Reported by many people), and I fall into this category. This car has terrible radio reception, and I have no idea whether its in the headunit or the antenna. I do not listen to the radio all that much, so this problem doesn't bother me as much.

Mitsubishi hasn't released any TSB's or re-calls to my knowledge, but they will most likely in the near future. Most of these well-known problems are minor in my opinion. You also have some other problems that seem to only affect one or two people. The problems I have listed have affected as many as 10+ people.

#4: Window scratching The pads that hold the window tend to be scratchy. Some owners have noticed small scratches on their windows after lowering/raising them. BUT the bigger issue is with tint. The scratchy guards will destroy your tint. Fortunately, there is a solution.

#5: GTS tires + snow The stock Dunlop tires on the GTS models are not very safe or effective in the snow/slush. Dozens of members have complained on the boards about poor traction and the need to purchase snowtires.


Dupa cum se vede la #3, se pare ca receptia radio are ceva probleme.
Pentru #1, este vorba de motorul 2.0 benzina, 152 cp.

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Membru din: Joi Ian 10, 2008 9:26 am

Mesaj de marius_lancer » Vin Ian 11, 2008 10:52 am

nu stiu de ce, aceasta problema se pare ca e relativ recenta pe plaiurile noastre.

Inainte de a face altele, dezactiveaza functia AF. In momentul in care semnalul devine slab din punctul de vedere al casului, acesta cauta o frecventa alternativa. daca asculti radio europa FM acesta se conecteaza destul de usor pt cateva momente la frecventa din prahova, dupa care revine la B (chiar si pe caleaa victoriei... unde probleme de semnal nu ar trebui sa fie).

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Membru din: Lun Oct 29, 2007 5:28 pm

Mesaj de goangaus » Lun Ian 21, 2008 11:32 am

Ieri eram la spalatorie si am observat ca antena mea statea sa cada. Am insurubat-o la loc. Sper ca asta sa fi fost cauza problemelor relatate mai sus. Revin cu impresii, o sa activez si AF-ul la loc, vad ca alti utilizatori nu se plang de radio pe aici.

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Membru din: Sâm Iun 07, 2008 1:03 pm

Mesaj de Uliu » Dum Mai 17, 2009 7:09 pm

Am constatat si eu cateva probleme legate de receptia radio:

1. la cautare automata nu se opreste la un post. De exemplu, nu se opreste la 106,2 MHz FM - City FM.
2. sare din frecventa. Acest lucru este precedat de receptie slaba (fasait), urmat de un avertisment cu 3 bip-uri sonore. Pornind de la frecventa mentionata, dupa cele 3 bip-uri sare la 106,7 MHz FM - Europa FM.

Solutii (nu rezolva problemele, insa dispar simptomele):

1. cautare automata pana in apropierea frecventei precizate;
2. in momentul in care incepe fasaitul, o schimbare manuala a frecventei Tune up/down cu +/- 0,1 MHz.

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Membru din: Mie Iul 23, 2008 12:37 am

Mesaj de Cotopaxi » Dum Mai 17, 2009 9:03 pm

Subscriu si eu la partea cu receptia radio slaba.Credeam ca au rezolvat problemele "evidente" pare ca versiunea greierasi + placaj portbagaj.

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Membru din: Mie Iul 30, 2008 12:33 am

Mesaj de numai_silviu » Dum Mai 17, 2009 9:42 pm

nu am nici un fel de probleme cu receptia radio, mai mult de atat am demontat antena (de frica hotilor) si in acel lacas am pus un capacel primit de la dealer, in bucuresti se aude perfect radio.ul din berceni pana in baneasa, eroilor si alte zone pe unde mai ma plimb. La un drum lung exista MP3 sau 5 minute in + pentru montarea antenei.

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Membru din: Sâm Iun 27, 2009 6:57 pm

Mesaj de shocs » Dum Iun 28, 2009 3:20 pm

QUOTE (goangaus @ Jan 8 2008, 02:26 PM) Salut,
Am probleme cu receptia radio, chiar si in oras se pierd posturile, fasaie, intra alte voci peste.... nu foarte des dar destul de enervant.
Am observat ca atunci cand se pierde semnalul palpaie un ST pe display.
Mai are cineva problema asta?

Subscriu. Credeam ca nu a fost montata bine antena dar se pare ca este inca o hiba a lancer-ului. Cam multe hibe are masina asta dar tot imi place.
La fel patesc si eu, pierd semnal, intra alte voci peste parca interceptez statiile politistilor sau stiu eu ce. Exista rezolvare la asa ceva?

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Membru din: Dum Mar 09, 2008 7:49 pm

Mesaj de BUGHY » Dum Iun 28, 2009 3:26 pm

Nu exista rezolvare, cum nu exista nici la clima .

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Membru din: Sâm Iun 27, 2009 6:57 pm

Mesaj de shocs » Dum Iun 28, 2009 3:36 pm

Incep sa fiu dezamagit de lancer . Ma deranjeaza pentru ca acestea sunt greseli din fabrica pe care le-a omis producatorul. Daca dadeam eu cu ea de pereti statea altfel treaba, ziceam ca sunt eu prost. Nici macar schimbarea antenei nu ajuta?
Clima? Ce probleme are clima? Inca n-am depistat nimic si Doamne ajuta sa nu fie nimic.

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